Hulme Resources: Providing person-centered planning and creative solutions to roadblocks that often occur in the complex world of disability services. Jennifer is originally from the upstate NY area and familiar with needs in our region. She generously donated her time and consulted with us as we worked to develop a central clearinghouse (i.e., this website) . Jennifer Hulme CEO, Global Disability

Specialist, Life Coaching/Coordination for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities www.Hulmeresources.com

BLaST: Bradford County, PA BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 is an educational service agency meeting the needs of Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, and Tioga Counties. Serving 19 public schools, two career centers and 12 non-public schools, BLaST’s vision is to transform lives and communities through educational services. www.iu17.org

Serve, Inc. Serve's mission is to be an agency designed to meet the vocational, educational, social, emotional, and recreational needs of individuals who are not readily accepted into mainstream society in Bradford and Sullivan Counties. https://serveincpa.org/

Careers Support Solutions: A nonprofit organization downstate that provides a range of quality services for individuals who are of transition age and older. https://careerssupportsolutions.org/

Captain Dave's Free Boat Cruises: A nonprofit organization that offers free cruises and fishing trips to people with disabilities and illnesses. www.captaindavescruises.org

Transition USA: This is a comprehensive learning environment that offers college, work, and life skill training for individuals with autism and other learning differences. https://www.transitionsusa.org/